




Reasonable time for fix to easy-to-reproduce kernel panic?
Since I haven't heard so much as a peep from Apple on this, I thought I'd take a poll here on how long I could expect an easily reproducible (albeit possibly obscure) kernel panic to be fixed. I was under the impression that kernel panics were a big deal but it's been almost 2 months since I updated from macOS 14 to macOS 15.0 dev beta 7 / public beta 5 when I originally came across and reported a panic triggered while playing StarCraft II. I've been able to consistently trigger panics playing certain (maybe all) Co-op maps in SC2 and since my first report Aug 22, I've filed 8 additional bug reports, each automatically generated after hitting yet another panic. (I'm not sure exactly who is able to view these but for what it's worth, these are the reports I've filed so far: FB14886510, FB14905773, FB14960435, FB15304609, FB15391195, FB15467943, FB15468127, FB15491485, FB15491684.) A few other people have reported the issue to SC2's developer, Blizzard, and apparently Blizzard has acknowledged they're aware of the problem so it's safe to rule out the possibility of a hardware defect or other issue specific only to my computer. The logs point the blame at the AppleDCP driver, although I suppose the problem could technically be in the DCP firmware instead. Regardless, Apple's code is clearly at fault here. I'll admit the importance of a video game isn't exactly like keeping the power on at a hospital but I don't know why it would be deemed particularly unimportant either. At 53 days in, am I wrong to expect this to have been fixed by now or is Apple really being that slow?
Oct ’24